Wedding Invites To Make Them All Say “Yes” For Your Wedding

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Making preparations for your dream wedding is not an easy task. There is so much to look into, make arrangements for and check everything is ready till the final hour. And to make sure everything goes according to your plan, you need to start early. No, not early morning, but early in the year, so that you have your calmness with you to get everything in place.

And once your dates are decided, it’s time to get those beautiful invites sorted and your names printed. But deciding on the designs of invites is not that simple, right? It should reflect the couple you are and your unending love for each other. That’s why we have worked hard for you guys and narrowed some amazing designs as the best inspiration.

Let’s take a look.

Acrylic Invites

acrylic invite

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Acrylic is one of the most versatile materials out there that find their use in possibly everything. They are a successful replacement for glass and that makes them open to creativity and vision. And acrylic invites are the new thing!

Calendar Invite

calender invite

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It’s one thing to mention the date in the invites, it’s obvious. But it’s another thing to send your invites in the form of a calendar. This way the date actually shows up with the day, and that will help your invitees to plan their leaves in advance and forward their leave application. (Pretty dumb reasoning for a beautiful invite idea!)

Innovative Puzzle Invite

puzzle invite

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This is one of our favorites! A set of puzzle pieces neatly packed in a box lets your invitees have some fun time putting all the pieces in place.

Sparkler Invites

sparkler invite

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Send your invitees a set of sparklers and make them smile. It adds a bit of nostalgia to our childhood Diwali celebrations. What better way than recalling a bit of childhood from the past and wishing for a beautiful future? And if you beautiful brides are thinking of sparkler and fireworks-filled entry, it totally sets the theme flowing.

Wooden Wheel Invite

wooden wheel invite

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A simple yet innovative and distinct invite idea. It consists of two wooden pieces connected at the center. When you start revolving each piece, it discloses the important info about your wedding. Pretty cool, right?

Wedding Passport Invite


wedding passport invite

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This one adds more zing in case you’re having a destination wedding. It looks accurately like a passport and you can obviously edit the details that you want to add.

Harry Potter Themed invite

harry potter invite

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For the Potterhead couples out there who want to show their sincere faith in the wizarding world. While a Daily Prophet newspaper is a classic idea, you can obviously go for something else. A sorting hat perhaps!

With Your Pictures

picture invite

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To give it a further personal touch, you can add some of your pictures in a creative manner. This would be a reminder for your guest who is the actual couple that is getting married.

The Bollywood Fans Invite

bollywood lovers invite

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How could we forget Bollywood which had played such a huge role in our way of romancing and loving our partners? And for those Bollywood fans who want to add a touch of their love for Bollywood, this is the perfect opportunity, other than having a full-fledged Bollywood-themed wedding.

Funny Invite

Funny invite

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For those funny couples among us who are all about punchlines and sarcasm, this is it! Sit down with your wedding card maker and come up with some witty and funny wedding invite.

Happy Wedding guys!

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